The Value of Physicians on the Academic Medical Center Board
By Kimberly Smith Most boards of academic medical centers and health systems have physicians among their membership. However, the number and impact of physicians on...
By Kimberly Smith
Most boards of academic medical centers and health systems have physicians among their membership. However, the number and impact of physicians on boards is not always what it can and should be to be optimal for the benefit of the organization. Physicians offer myriad benefits to a board, not the least of which is to bring a frontline perspective on issues related to care quality and safety and overall operational performance.
For academic medical institutions, physician leaders and faculty on a board shed light on the quality and effectiveness of undergraduate and graduate medical education efforts, while also providing in-depth perspectives on the viability and significance of current research initiatives. They reinforce the tripartite mission. As many academic medical systems expand into ever-larger and more complex clinical enterprises, the need for effective governance becomes even more critical, with physicians playing a central role.
Read the full article from the Governance Institute’s Academic Health Focus newsletter.