Strategy's (relatively) easy—it's execution that's hard. Execution relies on senior leadership alignment and behavior.
Bringing out the best in our client teams starts at the top.
At WittKieffer, we know that choosing the right leaders–which is defined by your strategy and context–is critical. And that selection sets the stage for impact and business outcomes. Unleashing impactful leadership requires more. We enable strategy execution through CEO and executive succession; individual leader and cohort onboarding and development; and aligning senior leadership teams on their collective role within the business, organizational culture, and among key constituents. We know that inclusive leadership unleashes innovation, engagement, and performance—so diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of all that we do.
Partnering with colleagues in talent acquisition, we provide integrated solutions that empower clients to weigh alternatives, choose wisely, learn collectively, and move forward bravely.
Find the Right People: Succession and Transition
CEO/ President Transition
We accelerate CEO and President impact. Newly selected CEOs/Presidents often transition to full impact more slowly than desired, resulting in lost momentum on key initiatives and reducing internal and external confidence. Our integrated team of executive search and leadership advisors will work with the Board to clarify their role, source an excellent candidate slate, assess finalists, support selection, and provide onboarding support for both the new CEO/President and their team.
Leadership Assessment with Onboarding
We support candidate placement and leadership onboarding for the candidate of choice. The cost of an ill-informed hire is significant. We integrate critical findings from the discovery phase of each search into a customized and advanced assessment process to gauge finalists and position a new leader for long-term success, playing an active, supporting role during onboarding.
CEO Succession
We support CEO succession, a crucial responsibility for Boards, as all CEOs eventually depart. Proactive CEO succession planning minimizes disruption, speeds up strategy implementation, and guarantees a seamless transition. Our approach emphasizes succession continuity, starting early to understand the organizational context, align on implications for CEO requirements, and assess and develop internal capability to ensure the organization has the right CEO and team to execute on its strategy.
Leadership Succession
We provide proactive planning for the roles that matter most. Leadership succession is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that demands proactive planning and development. Our approach identifies mission-critical roles that drive value and prioritizes the development of potential internal successors to bridge talent gaps and reduce risks while fostering growth of the next generation of leaders.
Develop Their Capability: Leadership Development
Leadership Coaching
We enable lasting behavior change to accelerate impact. Each person is unique, shaped by their history, mindset, strengths, and weaknesses. Behavior change is often necessary as leaders take on new challenges, requiring dedication, concrete goals, and active experimentation. Our dedicated consultants will ensure accountability by identifying and tracking development objectives, supporting and celebrating progress, and determining a plan for sustaining change.
Cohort Development
We bring together leaders, creating an inclusive environment to facilitate mutual growth. By uniting leaders with shared goals and objectives, we enable them to harness their collective potential, leveraging their strengths and addressing development areas to drive positive change within themselves and their organization. Our approach places a significant emphasis on cultivating inclusive leadership behaviors and mindsets through a combination of collaborative learning, peer support, and continuous coaching.
Engage in Ways that Add Value: Team and Culture Alignment
Leadership Team Alignment
We help to establish outstanding team conditions. Leadership teams face unique challenges. We help them navigate complex organizational and industry issues, in addition to complex interpersonal issues to unify their efforts. Having an exceptional leadership team is not just an advantage—it’s a requirement for success.
Culture Development
We align culture with strategy to accelerate performance. Culture is an organization’s “personality,” shaping how people behave, leading them to act in ways that create (or impede) strategic value. Our integrated approach considers the existing culture and unique context surrounding it to align, empower, prioritize, and sustain a robust culture that continuously aligns with the organization’s strategy.