To Spark Real Innovation, Trustees and Presidents Need to Start Mixing It Up
As an executive-search consultant in higher education, Lucy Leske often sees “a governing board’s initial celebration of innovation give way to an inherent aversion to...
As an executive-search consultant in higher education, Lucy Leske often sees “a governing board’s initial celebration of innovation give way to an inherent aversion to risk and a failure of nerve. The new president tries to deliver on the change for which he or she was recruited, and the board slows the engines, reverses course, and/or fires the messenger.”
What can be done to help both trustees and presidents understand how to be truly innovative — at a time when market position for every institution is more at risk than ever? Says Leske, writing in the Chronicle of Higher Education, a little “engineered conflict” and “creative abrasion” are in order.
Read: To Spark Real Innovation, Trustees and Presidents Need to Start Mixing It Up